服务热线: 13330963088    李先生(电动扫地车、高压冲洗车)


培训公司或经销商在机器交付时,会对机器具体操作人员进行理论和具体操作培训,培训内容包括如下内容:1、培训大纲①机器结构和主要部件介绍    ②具体操作指导③操作注意事项说明          ④日常保养维护⑤常见故障排除2、培训成果检验①理论测试(书面)                 ②操作测试(现场)③常用易损件更换方法测试(现场)    ④故障排除测试(现场)所有受培训人员需在测试合格后方能操作机器。安装调试机器到达指定站点后,开箱检查,机器有无损坏,配件是否齐全,装上随机配件,启动电源,检查机器的工作状态,一般是听电机运转的声音是否正常,有无杂音,看机器的吸水或吸尘效果售后服务1、质保期产品从购买之日起享受一年质保,质保期内任何由于产品材料和工艺引起的产品缺陷,买方可以要求经销商免费更换和维修。质保适用于以下条款:①质保不包括意外事故损坏、误用、细小部件、旋钮和耗材;②产品应该按照操作说明书正确安装和操作;③产品仅作为户内使用;④如果产品被转售或者由非本公司指定专业人员修理之后,则被认为是自动放弃质保;⑤具体细节根据实际变更,不需预先声明;⑥对易发生事故和由此带来的损坏,厂商不承担任何责任;⑦质保不会减少任何法定和合法权益。保用期内每两个月上门为客户所购设备定期保养,检修,保修。产品若出现故障,原则上保证48小时内排除,如不能排除可提供备用机给客户使用,直到设备修复。2、备品备件和易损件库存仓库备有充足的备品备件和常用易损件,一旦有设备损坏,可及时进行更换。并以最优惠的价格向客户提供性能优越且技术兼容的备品备件和常用易损件。3、响应时间质保期内,设备出现故障,接到客户通知后2小时内,紧急情况下1小时内,派合格的技术人员到现场进行技术服务,并在最快的时间内帮助客户排除故障,如果故障暂时未能排除,将提供备用机器给客户使用直至设备故障解决,确保不对客户的正常清洁工作造成影响。4、专门售后服务人员克力威在全国各地设立办事处和战略合作经销商,为客户提供专门的售后服务人员,进行一对一技术服务,随时解决客户遇到的设备问题。5、免费技术培训①    因技术升级等原因,将为客户提供进一步的技术培训服务。②    因客户方人员的更迭造成设备的使用问题,将免费为客户提供技术培训。6、质保期内免费零部件更换质保期内对于非人为原因造成的设备损坏,将为客户提供免费的零部件供应(易损件除外,易损件包括但不限于:刷盘、针座、吸水胶条、吸水管、放水管、吸扒万向轮、机身万向轮、机身大轮、水扒、尘扒、吸水扒、尘袋)。
when achieve the delivery ,We or our agent will provide the training for you ,

the training as below:

1、training program

①introduction  for the product structure and  main part.

②detailed operation guidance

③explaining for the attention matters during operation

④daily maintenance

⑤normal trouble removal

2、training achievement checkout

①paper testing for the theory

②operational testing

③normal consumable  part replacement testing

④trouble removal testing

trainee is not allowed to operate the machine until pass the testing.

installation and trial run

Pls do the inspection  to check whether there is damage ,spare part missing  problem,also pls turn on the machine to check whether the machine is running well,no any abnormal noise,and check the water and dust collecting ability.

after-sale service


we guarantee the qualtity for one year for all our products,in this period ,you can ask us or the agent to provide the free replacement or free maintenance if any quality problem which caused by the material and technical process be appeared.

guarantee rules:

①damage by accident ,wrong operation and consumable is excluded.

②You must read the instruction manual before operation.

③don’t  use the product in wild

④for domestic market,if the product is not sold by Kingsun or its agent,there would be no guarantee

⑤details could be changed only bu KingSun,no need to state advanced.

⑥to any unrelated accident and its damage ,KingSun assumes no responsibility

⑦there is no legal rights decreased by the guarantee

to domestic market,in the guarantee period,agent or Kingsun will provide maintenance or free check every two months.

for domestic market,in principle ,we will finish the maintenance or fixing in 48 hours if there is problem with the products.Or KingSun need to send the equipment back to factory and provide spared machine to customer.after recovery ,KingSun will send the machine back to customer and get the spared one back.

2、spare part stock and consumable stock

we have enough spare parts and consumable,we can provide the parts to customer timely if there is damage .Also the good quality parts always with cheapest prices.

3、response time

for domestic markets,in the guarantee period,if there is abnormal shutdown problem,Kingsun and the agents will appoint engineer to go for the trouble removal.If we can not achieve it timely,

KingSun need to send the equipment back to factory and provide spared machine to customer.after recovery ,KingSun will send the machine back to customer and get the spared one back.

4、professional after-sale service person

CLEANWILL has agent and partner in every city of China,ensure there is professional after sale service person to provide the service as one to one,solve the problem timely for any ones that customer faced.
